Highlight the step and run the selected code'
Add a VAR statement to include only the following variables: Reg, Type, ParkName, DayVisits, TentCampers, and RVCampers. Complete the PROC PRINT statement to list the first 20 observations in pg1.np_summary. Open p103p01.sas from the practices folder. In Enterprise Guide, run the Autoexec process flow. In SAS Studio, open and submit the libname.sas program in the EPG194 folder. Reminder: If you restarted your SAS session,you must recreate the PG1 library so you can access your practice files. Use the PRINT, MEANS, UNIVARIATE, and FREQ procedures to explore the data for possible inconsistencies. ' Level 1 Practice: Exploring Data with Procedures The pg1.np_summary table contains public use statistics from the National Park Service. Let me rephrase my question in a better way giving an example :